Finding My Way


I’m sitting on a bench close to Lemurian Abby, my special bag in hand. Not knowing what I will find, I contemplate its contents. 

The morning air is sweet, filled with lavender and roses, my senses heightened as each quiet breeze passes by. Today I feel melancholy, beset by memories of days gone by, trying hard not to give up the things I love to old age. But my special bag held tight in my grasp takes my mind off my woes and beckons me on as I muster up anticipation to peek inside.

I reach in towards its warmth and the first thing that touches my fingertips is the spectacles. I lovingly place them to my face, jauntingly affixing them onto my nose. What was a beautiful setting moments before, now becomes an even more vivid apparition as garden hues, birds a fluttering and the morning sun become even more colorfully apparent. What is the saying, “looking at life through rose-colored glasses?” Almost instantly I feel more relaxed and filled with a calming repose. Something tells me I shall need these later to allow me to see the journey path I must follow.

Next my anxious fingers reach in and feel of a candlestick, most likely to light my way, a tiny anchor to hold me firmly to a place I must stay for a while, an imprint of a unicorn, a symbol of purity and a harbinger of good fortune and prophet of great things to come, a medallion, which I’m sure will have a place in my journey as I go along, a set of wings to no doubt carry me far, perhaps to attach to my red shoes?

“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the Unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.” Is that a bargain?”
Alice Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll.

Thinking my special bag is now empty I set it down on the ground next to me, but hear a rustling sound emitting from it. Excitedly I retrieve it and once again venture my finger tips deep into the familiar folds of darkness. What is this? A packet of seeds? Oh not ordinary seeds, these are dream seeds I find. Oh my mind is racing. Years of walking many paths have enlightened me as to the nature of dreams and brings to mind how they fit into four general categories: (Exotic Dreams, by Stanley Krippner/Andre de Carbalho)

  1. Numinous dreams – divine power
  2. Transpersonal dreams – going beyond personal concerns into those of all humanity
  3. Transcendent dreams – making contact with a higher or divine knowledge
  4. Spiritual dreams – relating to the spirit or ultimate human values.

“to sleep perchance to dream…” 

Strangely enough I am now filled with anticipation and hope; despair and desolation now gone to a distant past. What powers has this special bag? I know now I must keep it with me at all times; I feel it shall show me the way, give me the energy and determination I will need to complete my journey and perhaps impart its wisdom to others along the way.

I’m anxious to get going. I make sure everything is back in my special bag, all tucked in safe, grasp it firmly in my hand and off I go. I think I hear my fellow comrades up ahead. 

“To know who and what you are, you must first find who and what you are not.”      

sage (c) 



About nevadasky

writer and artist

Posted on October 25, 2006, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. So finely wrought and very touching Sage. The bag is very potent, as those that keep it close to themselves know. Reach into and all you glean all the support you need on this long and winding road.

  2. Yes, sweet Heather, your insight is very well received. I am coming to know how important my bag is to my well-being. And I am up to the task.

    be safe, blessings,

  3. Best place to awaken from a dream of any sorts is to join us at the ‘dawning’ here at the Abbey — no incredibly colored Western panarama, just a wave of rebith joy. (check earlier postings)

  4. Youyr is a special bag indeed. I have a special bag, too, well, not so much a special bag as the two things that you will always find in my bag. One is an ancient coin, a coin that is perhaps valuable, but more so to me than to any other. The other thing you will always find in my bag is an acorn… yes, a lowly acorn, but a symbol of a mighty oak. I carry it for the strength it represents and shares with me.


  5. faucon, great insight and I agree wholeheartedly.

    best to you this day,

  6. wood nymph, I love your assessment of your special bag, great incentive to move on…

    best to you this day,

  7. Fascinating – so many people have opened the bag and looked at the contents in such a variety of ways. You have done in a most unusual and interesting style.

  8. thank you jan, delighted this touched you in some way.

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