Leave Taking

The call has come
and I must leave you for a time
I go to the hills high above the town
to dream, to write, to renew the faded memories
of distant days, of places I once knew
a northern island, or a beach on the wide Pacific
I trust I shall not be forgotten
for on my return I’ll need to seek you
in the far places or where the winds
of bitter winter dare not find you
May all be well
with you
on Calabar
or by a temple gate
a garden spot
or dark arcade
Take care, my friends
the time will go quickly until I greet you once again.

About cronelogical

I have wandered the Soul Food places for a long long time, been the donkey's secretary, posted many a rhyme. My earthplace too has been too long and the road up the mountain is sometimes steep but I still live, and love and write or draw for my dear people.

Posted on October 28, 2006, in Abbey Residents. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. a beautiful farewell — whoever you are …

    drift in peace,
    knowing that all roads lead home


  2. O dear Faucon, I am guilty, goes to show I need that week of training! Fran, Cronelogical

  3. Bye Fran! Safe travels!

  4. This is lovely – stay safe, enjoy.

  5. bye, take care and enjoy

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